Saturday 14 July 2012

Hype still hasn't warmed us to Olympics.

According yo the Western Mule a recent survey commissioned by them from Beaufort Research amongst over 1,000 adults across Wales, 52% not think that the 2012 London Olympics will bring any benefit to Wales. This proportion was even higher in North Wales, where three in five of the population (60%) could not foresee any benefit.

1,006 adults aged 16 and over across Wales were asked “To what extent do you think Wales will benefit from the 2012 London Olympics?”

The majority were highly sceptical, with only total of 7% of Welsh adults think that London 2012 will bring major benefits to Wales, with a further 38% thinking there will be a small benefit.

In Cardiff and South East Wales and Mid and West Wales, slightly higher proportions than average (10% and 9% respectively) think that Wales will see major benefits from the sporting tournament –this could be because Cardiff has been thrown a bone several of the football events at the Millennium Stadium.

Opinion is also more positive amongst younger Welsh adults aged 16-24 years and those in the AB socio-economic groups (that is those in higher managerial, administrative or professional occupations), where 51% and 58% respectively think that Wales will see at least some benefit from the Olympics.

This ties in with a similar UK wide poll that was carried out throughout the UK for the BBC which found that most people think the Olympic Games will mainly benefit London and not the rest of the country, a BBC poll of 2,017 people has found.Of those questioned, 74% said the rest of the UK would not benefit, with Scots and those in Wales and south-west and northern England most likely to agree.

This despite the extensive BBC coverage of the Torch relay using this to publicise their coverage (How much has this cost?).

What is the budget for the BBC for the Olympics beyond coverage of the actual event how much money has been diverted from other projects like regional television, and now its responsible for S4C how much from Welsh Language service?.

Despite the hype. It's clear people in Wales and the rest of the UK outside London see no benefit from a event that will leave them with a huge tax bill..

One would aspect that during the Olympics public opinion will  become momentarily more positive but a year from now when the true cost is realised whose going to carry the Blame . The coalition Government under whose auspices the games had been run or Labour who started it all.
After the self congratulations in August 2012 expect the blame game in August 2013. 

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