Friday, 17 April 2020

No apology from Andrew RT Davies over England denying Wales PPE.

Blarite political commentator  John Rentoul has apologised to the First Minister after claiming reports England had denied Scotland personal protective equipment (PPE) was untrue.

The National reports that .

Yesterday we reported how at least one supplier of PPE said it had been told not to send its stocks to care providers in Wales and Scotland.

After the story was picked up in multiple publications Scotland’s national clinical director Jason Leitch claimed it was “rubbish” – and Chancellor Rishi Sunak followed suit later in the day.

But the suppliers involved reiterated their statements, with Gompels writing on its website: “These restrictions are not something we have decided, they are a criteria given to us by Public Health England.

“We have been told that there are alternative arrangements in place for Wales and Scotland, but we have not been able to find out what they are.
“The criteria was given to us by Public Health England @PHE_uk. Please don’t think we’re discriminating against our lovely, loyal Welsh/Scottish customers.”

The BBC also said it had evidence other companies had been told not to sell to care homes in Scotland and Wales.
Yesterday Rentoul had tweeted: “Can’t believe St Nicola would have exploited that untrue ‘English nicked our PPE’ story for political advantage.”
Though there seems to be no apology from them trying to rubbish the story. 

At leat Rentoul has.
John Rentoul✔@JohnRentoul

I have deleted a tweet from yesterday which said the claim that England denied Scotland PPE was untrue. After the Scottish govt’s clinical director said it was “rubbish”, some evidence emerged that suppliers were saying it
3992:09 PM - Apr 15, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy380 people are talking about this

Today he back-tracked, accepting there was evidence suppliers had been making the claims.
He wrote: “I have deleted a tweet from yesterday which said the claim that England denied Scotland PPE was untrue. After the Scottish govt’s clinical director said it was ‘rubbish’, some evidence emerged that suppliers were saying it.

“NHS England and PHE have denied instructing suppliers and Sturgeon has accepted those assurances, but I was wrong to accuse her of
seeking political advantage, for which I apologise.”
No such apology from Tory  Senedd member Andrew RT Davies , wh since standing down as their  leader seems to spend his time attacking the dreaded
 " Nationalists"

Nationalists have been actively pushing this PPE story over the past 24 hours but according to Scotland’s national clinical director it’s rubbish. This crap really isn’t helpful (in Scotland or Wales).

Indeed he seems to be carrying on  with his misinformation

Of course I’d correct comments if wrong but in this article Scotland’s Clinical Director says: “It turns out that Public Health England and the Department of Health haven’t given instructions to companies not to provide PPE to Scottish providers.”
Man shrugging

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Of course Andrew RT Davies is speaking to his fellow Unionists and any idea that Wales is not being treated rightly by our Westminster masters must be surpressed even if its true.

Of course even if he accepted that it was true he would still try and twist it. Here he is on Sky Lanterns

Very much this. I've had a lot of irate nationalists tweeting me over the past 24 hours saying that these awful things were banned in Wales but sadly that's wrong. Don't buy them, don't use them and protect our animals, livestock and environment!
Quote Tweet
Just to clarify. Sky lanterns are only banned for release on public land in Wales. You can still buy them and release them (yes yes you could possibly get a litter fine) The dangers they pose and the havoc they create mean they need an outright ban.

So he's basically saying that Welsh  the legislation banning the release in Wales  does not go far enough  and it needs extending,   but as an Unionist it really should come from Westminster  and separate Welsh legislation even if takes some steps in banning  the release of Sky Lanterns should bot be celebrated.

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