Monday 9 March 2020

Wasp complaining that it was stung by a Bee..

A recent tweet from Lee Canning  former Deputy Chairman of the "Welsh Tories" has caused bit of a stir

It appears that Mr Canning along with two other members , who were calling for the Abolitionism of the Assembly , were confronted by a number YES Cymru supporters , who questioned their reasons for being there.
Nazis's , But it part of the Far Right  propaganda  to claim the Nazi's  were "Socialists"  a case of getting your fascist allegations in first.

What it is is a Wasp complaining that it was stung by a Bee.

In what appears to be webpage by Abolish the Assembly Party Mr Canning, was described thus.
Lee has been a member of the Conservative Party for 17 years and is currently deputy Chairman of The Welsh Conservatives.
Lee was a former chairman with the Tax Payers Alliance Wales (TPA) and also the former chairman of Business for Britain Wales during the 2016 leave campaign.
For many years Lee has actively supported many Conservative candidates throughout Wales, in Council, Assembly and Westminster elections.
We are looking forward to Lee representing The Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party in a key target seat in the upcoming Welsh Assembly elections of 2021.
As a Unionist Lee feels that The Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party is the only Party that supports the UK and our sense of what it means to be British.
The abolition of the Welsh Assembly will save Welsh tax payers £Bns and bring greater prosperity to Wales. With the Welsh Assembly staff and buildings alone wasting over £100m per year, that money could be spent on protecting frontline services and improving Welsh infrastructure.
Lee, 35 moved to Wales 17 years ago for University, where he met his wife Sara and they now have a family together.
Lee is small business owner working with businesses throughout Wales.
‘Abolishing the Assembly will not only strengthen our position in a more dynamic United Kingdom but will also ensure all of us in Wales are freed from the Bureaucrats of Cardiff Bay.’

The blog OF WALES & THE WELSH seems to be  full of conspiracy theories and may be best avoided.

 So So not only a former Tory but a former of The Tax Payers Alliance , a shadowy organisation that does not diagnose where it gets its funding , but yet often gets airspace where it gey it's funding.

Mr Canning has lived in Wales  for 17 years so has no knowledge of Wales before the Assembly, but that's not going to stop him. 


Gruff Williams said...

I believe this guys loveliness goes much further. He hails from the Six Counties and has been involved with the less than pleasant aspects of the Union cause in that fair land.

dafis said...

Where you see the word "rabid" inserted into a statement it is often a clue about the physical/mental state of the person making that statement. Mr Canning's craving for a return to the good old days of Merrie England and the Empire reminds those of us who are longish in the tooth of the rantings of the League of Empire Loyalists and the NF of Tyndall & Co.