Friday, 4 May 2018

Tory "Newspeak" on Consent in power grab.

It may not be immediately clear what Plaid  MP Liz Saville Roberts on Police Budgeting in Wales 

She said
I am sure the Minister shares my concern that the word “Orwellian” is overused in contemporary politics, but does he also share my concern that the Orwellian concept of doublespeak is epitomised in what now constitutes devolved consent agreement—namely, consent as agreeing to consent, consent as disagreeing to consent and consent as refusing to consent? How can Wales possibly say no?

Well it was this
Although this section of the EU withdrawal Bill  refers to Scotland the same applies to Wales  except that the Welsh Labour Government have already caved in

 So what our government have agree to is a weird interpenetration of "Consent" to mean that Mo means Yes.

As Ms  Liz Saville Roberts points out truly Orwellian.

They could have saved paper by simply saying it doesn't matter if the devolved governments  agree with us or not,we are going to do it anyway.

This is what Welsh Labour have agreed to, when they surrendered  .

They can't even claim to have secured a DUP  style bribe in increased funding for seeing powers transferred back to Westminster for seven years.

There is of course no legal guarantee that a new Tory Leader or Labour government will be bound by this agreement and we should not be surprised that either Unionist Party will get a taste for this and seek to increase their power grab,

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