Monday 8 February 2016

Sorry Tim the LibDems are not a "Anti-Establishment Party".

The Wasting Mule seems to have put the words

Give your protest votes to us rather than Ukip's 'English nationalists',

into the mouth of  Liberal Democrat  leader Tim (Who) Farron, but appeaes to it looks like that's what he meant .

Mr Farron referred to strong speculation that people who formerly represented English seats as Conservative MPs could stand for Ukip in Wales, saying:

 “I find it hard to credit, really, if I may say this as an English Liberal – why would people in Wales vote for English nationalists? That is essentially what they are and their interests are anything but the interests of Wales.
“So if people are wanting to strike an anti-establishment tone to register their anger and disappointment with a Conservative Government in Westminster and a Labour administration [that is] 17 years old now in Cardiff Bay which takes most of Wales for granted – indeed all of Wales – then the Liberal Democrats are your choice.”
Forgetting the reality that a lot of  Liberal Democrats candidates seem to come from outside Wales . How can a Party that was in coalition at Westminster with the Tories  only a year ago call them selves Anti-Establishment?

Oh I see nothing wrong in pointing out  that many leading LibDems in Wales  seem to have come from outside to Welsh University Towns to study, joining the Party as a student, and staying.

If Tim Farron can point to the "English Origins" of Ukip candidates " to appeall to voters I can do the same to his party.

There is a difference between  Mr Farron what  referred to strong speculation that people who formerly represented English seats as Conservative MPs could stand in the Assembly next year and English born candidates for any Party here who have lived here for years and the majority of who feel Welsh.

But is it right for Tim Farron or any LibDem to  call for voters to back them instead of Ukip ,because Ukip is a English party.

But it it is the  need for of the LibDems  to call for protest voters  that show how desperate Farron's Party are.

Just how many Ukip voters are Ant EU or approve of their  attacks on refugees and migrants rather than an "Anti-Establishment " vote is unclear.

If it the former then they are unlikely to vote for a Pro EU and who stand on the refugees and migrants question is more honourable than some other Parties I could mention.

If it is the latter the the electorate  may well have not yet erased the memories  that for most of the last Assembly the LibDems were acting as the Tories bag carriers at Westminster.



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