Sunday, 10 April 2016

What is the true hereditary of supposed "Royals".

The Archbishop of Canterbury discovery  that his real father is Sir Winston Churchill’s last private not something  we should be giggling like adolescent  schoolboys 
The Most Rev Justin Welby, who believed his father was Gavin Welby, said it was “a complete surprise” to find through DNA evidence that his biological father is the late Sir Anthony Montague Browne.
However I suspect that few would thin nowadays that this would make him unsuitable for his exulted position.
It would be different if his post was heredity however.
Which brings me to the question even if you believed a heredity monarchy how van we be sure they are the true heirs of not only their predecessor or the ancestor they place they claims on

Take the case of Queen Victoria   usually considered the source of the disease in modern cases of hemophilia among royalty. Queen Victoria's father, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, was not a haemophiliac, and  although it is claimed the probability of her mother having had a lover who suffered from hemophilia is minuscule given the low life expectancy of 19th-century haemophiliacs. 

But then if we used that criteria the  hereditary genetic disorders could have possibly died out.

Indeed we can only speculate about the true parentage of the Kings and Queens of Europe . and given some hereditary peers  still sit in the UK Legislature  of the House of Lords how many of them have a true and pure ancestry,

We can maybe wonder if there was a sigh of relief when William Windsor  produced an heir so that the chances of his brother Harry  acceding to the throne in the event of William-s unfortunate demise is remote. 

Which is just as well .


Mind you as a Republican  I don't really accept any aspect of hereditary claims to power legitimate or not.

However for the forelock tuggers  who believe that some people have some sort of divine right to our allegiance  it may be time they questioned whether they truly are the heirs of past Royalty or Ancestry.


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