Friday 19 November 2010

Why I will not be congratulating Dafydd Wigley on his peerage.

News that Dafydd Wigley  is amongst a list of working peers announced today does not dampen my complete opposition to the Lords.
True Dafydd  can point to some democratic mandate, as he topped the List of the votes of Plaid Members in a ballot, the Party ran to select nominations for Peers. Making him possibly the only Peer with anything like a democratic mandate but it is not enough.
The idea that in a Democracy we still have politicians who are appointed for life is ridiculous and the fact that once given their peerage it is almost  impossible to remove them only adds to this.
Indeed when you consider that there are proposals for recall ballots for sitting MPs (actually Peers are technically MPs so I should say members of the Commons). How can anyone argue that the second chamber can carry on without any electoral Mandate?
It will not be difficult to do there are loads of examples of how to elect the second chamber Ireland  and Australia are only two that work quite effectively.
And if anyone thinks that the current system is worth keeping consider these two recent examples.
 Commenting on the Engagement of William Windsor and Kate Middleton's forthcoming wedding yesterday   “Lord” Archer ex-Conservative deputy chairman, said ,
The wedding would receive global coverage and bring "millions" to the UK economy.
The Royal Family was a "great benefit to Great Britain Limited", he added.
That’s Jeffrey Archer, perjurer and ex con who is still allowed to (if he desired) to partake in House of Lords debates.
I’m all for the rehabilitation of offenders but in a week when a former magistrate has been suspended as a community councillor for six months for bringing her office into disrepute after breaching a ban on dogs using a beach. How can someone like Archer retain his title and in theory be still party the governance of the UK?
And only today, we had The Conservatives   having their first embarrassing resignation since the election today after Lord Young quit as enterprise adviser to David Cameron.
Young caused controversy by saying Britons had "never had it so good" in this "so-called recession",
But why has an unelected person been given such a position where he is not answerable  to the electorate.
No the elevation of Dafydd Wigley is not something we can wildly celebrate in Wales because we can only cheer when people are elected by the votes of the people of Wales and not appointed by some invisible body supposedly acting in the name of the (unelected) Head of State.

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