Wednesday 4 March 2015

Would Nye Bevan see the future of Socialiam still lay in Westminster?

As the so called ST David's Day Agreement falls apart  it say something about the state Welsh Politics  that it took a speech at the place where Nye Bevan spoke to the peop;e  by Actor Michael Sheen to light a flame. over our Nation.

 It was not a call for Independence or further Devolution nor should it be taken as one  but if we are going to go down that road then it represented the values which we should voice every step of the way

But what ever Michael's view on the devolution progress it is clear that it going nowhere for now

News that  First Minister Carwyn Jones has blasted the process that led to last week’s  so called St David’s Day Agreement in a letter to the Welsh Secretary – branding it “slow to start, ad-hoc and poorly prepared”. shows that there is no Agreement . But unfortunately Carwyn and his Party  have left us with no vision beyond Devo/Dipyn Bach

The Wasting Mule claims that  "His barbs mark the latest salvo in a political row over the so-called “St David’s Day agreement”  

But in reality it is the voice of someone who criticising  a party of Hill Walkers setting out to climb Snowdon  for they lack of preparedness is as ill- equipped for the journey himself

On Friday David Cameron told an audience at the Millennium Stadium that the introduction of a “funding floor” for Wales and the devolution of extra powers removes the last remaining barrier to an income tax referendum in Wales and we were all expected to shout yippee and that would be the end of the devolution debate  for the next five years .

But anyone expecting another vision from Labour can think again because there no call from Carwyn or Shadow Welsh Secretary Owen Smith

After initially rejecting the calls for such a referendum last week, the First Minister has now gone further both in his letter and in the Senedd, warning that the proposals could be used by the UK Government to row back on some of the Assembly’s abilities.
Mr Jones told AMs on Tuesday that only “when the details of the funding floor are satisfactorily finalised will we be able even to begin to consider partial devolution of income tax”.
The raft of new powers unveiled included new powers in areas including Assembly elections, fracking, and the offer of “fairer funding”.

So Labour oppose the latest raft of Devo/ Dipyn Bach but when they talk of parity with Scotland  they just talk about funding not  Powers.

Compare this with Scotland's First Minister Nicola  Sturgeon yesterday warning of the £1 billion cost of inequality and austerity on UK growth as she sets out the Scottish Government’s economic strategy.

The Scottish First Minister said she will put “
equality and fairness” at the heart of the SNP’s plans to stimulate growth.

“Our economic strategy will set out a long-term vision based on one fundamental principal,” Ms Sturgeon said.
“By becoming a fairer society, we will also become a more productive and more prosperous society.
“We want to see economic growth that is inclusive, innovative and fairly distributed.
“For too long, our economy has been held back by rising inequality as a result of successive generations of Westminster economic policy. I have been clear that a key priority for this government is to tackle the blight of inequality.”
If Carwyn Jones even held the same ambition  under Devo/Dipyn Bach he hasn't the powers to  do anything and it is clear that he doesn't want them.

Nye Bevan opposed welsh Independence . But today he would hardly recognise the party he dedicated his life to and from the where the commemorative Stones  now stand and where Michael Sheen made  his inspirational   speech. Wouldn't  he look down at Tredegar and think nothing has changed there it is still entrapped in poverty and  party he despised the Tories  are still in power  and the party he loved his now no different from them.

How can any Socialist think that the future lies with the Union and Westminster ?

1 comment:

Bored of Labour said...

Devolution for Labour and the Tories is a game, the Tories want to give Wales more powers but not extra money to make any difference and Labour can only agree to what the party’s members and MP’s will allow, it’s been the same since 1999.

And while Michael Sheen’s speech was impassioned it keeps the hero worship of Nye Bevan alive which hasn’t done Wales much good over the years; his legacy prevents rational debate on what’s needed for 21st century health system for starters and his loathing for the welsh language and culture is part of his legacy to the south Wales valleys that prevents political alternatives gaining traction.