They have produced some excellent posts since coming into existence this month none more than their latest exposure of something called the Welsh Alliance for the fascist organisation it is

It clear to see where this group is coming from in that its Logo incorporates "The Prince of Wales " feathers and somewhat resembles the logo of Britain First

That fascist group who use honeytrap Images like Red Poppies on places like Facebook to lure naive people to "liking them".
So if you haven't yet look at the Green Dragon Blog it seems to fill a very much needed gap in the Welsh Blogosphere.
And so it falls to
And a big welcome to Penartharbyd who inspired with the Bloggers from Scotland likee Bella Caledonia, Wings Over Scotland, Wee Ginger Dug, Lallands Peat Worrier and Newsnet Scotland has decided that his Blog should
"...join the ranks making the case for independence in Wales, alongsideHere at National Left I very much doubt that I could even approach the excellence of Bella Caledonia or Wings over Scotland but one day to link you to something equall to them from this Nation.
colleagues, Syniadau, Borthlas,Dic Mortimer, Welsh Not British, Blog Menai, Jac o’ the North, Oggy Bloggy Ogwr, National Left and possibly Glyn Adda.
This is not a party political blog and has no intention of becoming one. So rest assured, we’ll be as independent and critical of the only party currently giving an outlet for independence-minded people as we will for the unionist parties".
many thanks for your very kind words on our blog glyn - pleased to read we have brought something new to the welsh blogosphere. we also share your hopes for a 'progressive left future' for wales and hope greendragon might be able to contribute in some way to that progressive left - and green - future for our country.
Glyn, you do a great job.
Have a look at Green Dragon today. I'm sure Ashley Wakeling and the other students are pushing hard for a Free Wales.
Why are you supporting green dragon? Our values are green" says the blog blurb. Greens are strongly opposed to censorship, yet Pippa is into expulsion of fellow GP members for disclosing her (murky) past and taking them to London for tribunal this time. That past in electronics business included supplying military contracts in Wales, including AB Electronics and Thales. Perhaps Encrypta’s electronic locking devices were not central to the killing function, but surely you should appraise Barttolotti’s refusal to admit and regret past business and profits from arms manufacture? Is integrity not part of green values and red politics?
I merle welcomed Green Dragon to the Blogosphere. Internal problems within the Welsh Greens are not them to sought out. But if you know of an altern7ative Welsh Greens let me know.
Green dragon blog just there to attack andy chyba who is competition for Pippa as so called 'leader' Martyn Shrewsbury returns to the green party in Swansea to help Pippa Bartolotti - 'leader' elections
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