It was largely a attempt to give a shine to the Labour controlled Rhondda Cynon Taf controlled council as well as introducing Mick Antoniw their candidate for Pontypridd in the next years Assembly elections.

you can see from the left for the first time in a age
a Labour leaflet mentions Democratic Socialism and ordinary Working People! It may be that the man behind it (a decent fellow actually) has gone out on a limb here.
It may be that a different form of the leaflet has been posted in the more affluent areas of Beddau and Tynant where "Democratic Socialism "has been repaced by another slogan.
Or it could be that Labour has realised that it has neglected its core vote for too long as it sought under the New Labour banner for votes in "Middle England".
I wonder if I'm like those people who write to the Times saying that they heard the first cuckoo of spring or this is just an anomaly. Time will tell, but it will be policies and action that will determine whether Labour is a now or can be a "Democratic Socialist movement". History alas is against them.
"ordinary working people like yourselves"
"ordinary working people like us" then?
More turgid Class Jingoism by Labour.
I think its great!
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