On Sunday evening, Scotland Yard said Andrew Banks, from Stansted, Essex, had been charged with outraging public decency and remains in custody.

He did find some temporary support from one quarter
Ms Hartley-Brewer seems to have deleted her Tweet , but expect to her return to her nirmal defence of the right wing thugs by reversing the Donald Trump statement by claiming that "There are bad people on both sides.
It doesn't hide the fact that she appears to desperately defending the actions of the man above .
Bladder problems seem to have affected the Master race throughout the dayas
Though there were even ugly scenes

As Munguin points out
They may be calling for no more mosques, but they are at least wearing masks, albeit, almost certainly for the wrong reason. Still, they do look a bit like letterboxes, which is probably not the look they tried for.If they are trying to conceal their identifies from their employers, I’d say at least one, if not two, have failed!
Even the Daily

How Indeed has it come to thsis

Indeed the Mail may even look further back to it's support for Fascism in the past.

There a certain strange irony in a newspaper calling for people to defend the statue of the "Man who defeated Hitler" that would have aided British Fascist Oswald Mosley into power .
Those of us on the left particularly older ones no matter how opposed to Soviet Totalitarianism were often told "Why don't you go and live in Russia
We perhaps ask the White Supremacist here "Why don't you go and live in Trump's America, even if defeated his legacy will continue , but I wouldn't wish the overweight, balding and ignorant white supremacists in our Islands on anyonw.
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