So on his visit to Bangor Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn vowed to transform the economy and establish a Westminster government “on the side” of people in Wales.
I haven't sen his speech but I expect it was no different from one he makes in Birmingham . Manchester or Devon
Except of course he would be on tricky ground attacking the Tories on their running of the NHS given that his Party has been running the NHS in Wales for 17 years with no real improvement in comparison with England.
Did he mention the devolution settlement at all? Does he even have a view on the powers of the Welsh Assembly does he even care about it?
Ok he did say "
We will develop the jobs, skills, infrastructure and industries of the future through an investment-led approach, supported by our National Transformation Fund and a Welsh development bank, building on the Welsh Labour Government’s Development Bank of Wales.
Continuing Labour’s summer campaign in marginal seats, Mr Corbyn was on a visit to Aberconwy and Arfon constituencies.
He also said
“Today, I’m campaigning in the Conservative-held marginal of Aberconwy and Plaid-held Arfon as part of Labour’s summer campaign in marginal constituencies across the country.
“We can win here and form the next government that will work for the many not the few.”
Ynys Mon ( Not Anglesey Wales Online) MP, Albert Owen said that the country needed as many Labour MPs as possible as they look to unseat the left wing Plaid Cymru MP, Hywel Williams.
“ Plaid Cymru , have had their chance, they’ve been the establishment here in northwest Wales for decades and people want change. The only change they’ll get is from the real party of Wales and that’s the Labour party,What a pathetic statement Hywel Williams has probably gone through the same voting lobby as Jeremy Corbyn more times than the latter's fellow Labour MPs.
Why did MR Corbyn decide that getting rid of Plaid MP in Arfon was the sameas defeating a right wing Tory in England,
Of course there is one glaring difrence between Jeremy Corbyn and Hywel Williams.
Mr Corbyn is as one with Teressa May over Brexit he told his audience though that they had to accept Brexit but Britain need to secure tariff free access to European markets to protect British jobs.
His words disappointed Corbyn supporting activists who are against Brexit. One campaigner, Simone Jones who had travelled from Holywell said:
“I’m here to try and get the Labour Party back to where it should be which is fighting for the European Union not trying to get us out.”

Certainly there was a number of European Flags but I wonder how many Labour supporters are aware of Corbyn's hard Brexit stance?
Maybe they do and agree or are they amongst those who are fed up with years Right Wing Rule under May, Cameron, from the Tories and Blair, Brown under Labour.
How much of Corbyn's support is based on the need for a change from the Neo-Liberalism of the past?
It is a pity it has resulted in it focusing on someone who is a Hard Line Brexiter who acknowledges the rights of Ireland but not Wales and Scotland.
Who supports Brexit from a Left Wing perceptive in the Belief we can build "Socialism in one Country"
Who does not seem to support a change in our electoral system as he believes in the Two Party system in the hope that his can occasionally win a majority.
and seeks to defeat fellow progressive MPs seemingly even putting more emphasis than taking Tory seats,
I am sorry but Corbyn is not the answer he is a Left Wing Unionist whose sees the Welsh Nation as little more than a machine for churning out Labour Lobby fodder and who thinks that everything can be changed from Westminster.
He is wrong and we must continue to point this out.
1 comment:
Labour in Scotland actually cheered the defeat of fine SNP figures like Angus Robertson and Alex Salmond by right wing Tory nonentities.
Corbyn has been spinning the same sort of lines in Scottish Marginalsand in the results have often helped the Tories.
As a pro EU supporter of Scottish Independence, I regard Corbyn as an enemy as he opposes both. Even more despicably, the former vice chair of CND heads a party whose policy is to renew Trident and continue to inflict its presence on Scots who emphatically don't want it. That's just rank and sickening hypocrisy.
Don't get me wrong, I think the Blairites are just as bad, but Corbyn is a fake.
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