During last years Labour leadership contest there were accusation that the Labour Party were trawling social media to purge membership who it was perceived
The Blog AAV wrote
One of the worst examples of someone being purged for supporting other parties long before Corbyn even became Labour leader is the case of Dr Gemma Angel who was purged from the Labour Party over a Tweet from May 2014 in which she explained her reasons for voting Green.
Gemma Angel is far from the only example of someone being purged from the Labour Party for having supported other parties long before Jeremy Corbyn became leader and inspired them to join Labour. Another example is Ben Crawford who was also purged for the "crime" of posting Tweets in support of the Green Party between 2014 and 2015 (see letter).

So I am somewhat perplexed why the Party seems to have a more tolerant attitude if you back Ukip when it comes to issues of Cymraeg
Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood has accused Labour council candidates of working with Ukip in a “toxic” campaign against Welsh medium education.
The village of Llangennech near Llanelli is divided over a decision by Carmarthenshire County Council to turn the local primary school into a Welsh medium school.
Raising the issue during First Minister’s Questions, Ms Wood said it was Welsh Government policy to increase the number of Welsh medium schools towards achieving a target of one million Welsh speakers by 2050.
She told Carwyn Jones:
“I’ve got serious concerns about the frankly toxic atmosphere that has emerged on this question, and I’m aware that among a group of residents campaigning against Carmarthenshire County Council’s decision, there are some people standing for the Labour Party in Llangennech in May’s county and community council elections. It’s come to my attention that some of those candidates claim to be working with Ukip.”
She asked Mr Jones whether he found it acceptable that Labour candidates were working with Ukip to undermine the Welsh Government’s policy on Welsh medium education.
The First Minister responded:
“I agree that the situation in Llangennech has become toxicI do not believe that the words used by the leader of the opposition help the situation by turning it into a party political issue.As Y Cneifiwer pointed out in two posts here and here
“There have been some comments made by politicians that I do not agree with.
“I think it’s hugely important now that calm prevails and that the toxicity is reduced.”.
Twitter was briefly ablaze yesterday with news from Llangennech which received a visit from Neil Hamilton and Christine, down for the day from Wiltshire to stir things up in the village.
Here are the happy families who claim to speak for 95% of the village saying cheese for the camera:

Sandwiched between Mr and Mrs H is Labour supporting Michaela Beddows, who readers will recall popped up on Question Time to declare that she had never had a problem with UKIP.
She also has it seems no probelrm with the fascist English Defence League
So you can't tweet about supporting the Green Party and then join Labour but as long as its over the status of Cymraeg you can jump into be with Ukip amd campaign with them.
Of course its not for Leanne, Y Cneifwr or myself to tell Labour who they can and can't allow to become members.
But we can ask why it seems to acceptable for Labour Candidate to campaign with Ukip over the use of Cymraeg , when it would not be in a any other situation?
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