In April 2001 the Guardian reminded us that In the general election of 1964, Patrick Gordon Walker was confidently expected to win the inner Birmingham seat of Smethwick and, in the event of a national Labour victory, go on to be Harold Wilson's foreign secretary.
One reason the Tories refused to condemn Griffiths was that he had found the Conservatives’ holy grail – undermining industrial working-class support for Labour. Margaret Thatcher would find a similarly winning formula in the 1980s by selling off council houses. Admittedly, Griffiths’ method had involved exploiting anxiety over a housing shortage in Smethwick and blaming it on immigrants but, still, it got him elected.
But Gordon Walker did not win. He was sensationally defeated by a Tory nonentity, Peter Griffiths, whose campaign featured the infamous 10-word slogan: "If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Labour."
As the defeated Walker left Smethwick town hall after the count 50 years ago today, Tory supporters yelled after him: “Where are your niggers now, Walker?” and “Take your niggers away!”
This racist campaign shocked Britain. In the Commons, the new Labour prime minister Harold Wilson called on then Tory leader Sir Alec Douglas-Home to disown Griffiths.
“If Sir Alec does not take what I am sure is the right course, Smethwick Conservatives can have the satisfaction of having sent a member who, until another election returns him to oblivion, will serve his time as a parliamentary leper.” Twenty-five Tories walked out of the chamber in protest and proposed a motion deploring Wilson’s insulting language; Labour members countered by proposing a motion reproving the prime minister for insulting lepers.
One reason the Tories refused to condemn Griffiths was that he had found the Conservatives’ holy grail – undermining industrial working-class support for Labour. Margaret Thatcher would find a similarly winning formula in the 1980s by selling off council houses. Admittedly, Griffiths’ method had involved exploiting anxiety over a housing shortage in Smethwick and blaming it on immigrants but, still, it got him elected.
The Guardian in 2001 optimistically claimed that
No candidate would dream of saying such a thing now. If they did, they'd be prosecuted.
Alas this has not turned out
Sunday evening Ukip's immigration spokesperson shared an image that Twitter users have described as "appalling and disgraceful".
Mr Bickley is a member of Ukip's National Executive Party Committee, treasurer of the party and is also the party's spokesperson for immigration.
The image in question depicts a red lorry, with the Labour logo on the side, filled with people and the slogan:
He represented Ukip in the 2015 parliamentary election in Heywood & Middleton and the Oldham West and Royton by-election - Where he failed to be elected on both occasions.
He has since deleted his retweet. 
If you want a jihadi for neighbour, vote Labour.
The image also features a crescent moon and star, an internationally-recognised symbol for Islam, a sickle and hammer and a caricature that would appear to portray the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
The original tweet was posted by user David Jones, with the caption:The Labour party are now the party for immigrants and ; muslims [sp]. Labour hate British people, the working class and despise patriotism.
The original tweet was posted by user David Jones, with the caption:The Labour party are now the party for immigrants and ; muslims [sp]. Labour hate British people, the working class and despise patriotism.
When he re tweeted Mr Bickley must surely have been aware of the reference to the 1964 By election.
Some years ago I wrote that I didn't think Ukip were the BNP in suits . I however changed my mind .
it was changed when Nigel Farage stood in front of a poster that reminded many of Nazi propaganda

Plaid Leader Leanne Wood repeated her opinion on the Jason Mohammad show yesterday that she regarded Ukip as on the far right .
The evidence is there.
The only argument that cam be made is that Brexit has moved the centre ground to the right and the Tory right wing agenda is becoming mainstream.
Those who consider themselves on the left who supported Brexit or like Jeremy Corbyn seems to have surrendered . Must ask themselves if it is not time to accept that in opposing Brexit we are also opposing the poisonous rhetoric that has come from it and that it has given to the Far Right of which Ukip are an example.
Some years ago I wrote that I didn't think Ukip were the BNP in suits . I however changed my mind .
it was changed when Nigel Farage stood in front of a poster that reminded many of Nazi propaganda

Plaid Leader Leanne Wood repeated her opinion on the Jason Mohammad show yesterday that she regarded Ukip as on the far right .
The evidence is there.
The only argument that cam be made is that Brexit has moved the centre ground to the right and the Tory right wing agenda is becoming mainstream.
Those who consider themselves on the left who supported Brexit or like Jeremy Corbyn seems to have surrendered . Must ask themselves if it is not time to accept that in opposing Brexit we are also opposing the poisonous rhetoric that has come from it and that it has given to the Far Right of which Ukip are an example.
Thats complete rubbish , dont forget a lot of labour voters voted to come out of EU so you call them far right as well ,The majority of voters from ALL parties want out but that doesnt mean they are far right.Leanne Wood is trying to be like Nicola Sturgeon,with her crazy idea if independent Wales.Personally I think we should get rid of the Welsh Assembly stop trying to split the UK up
I think you prove my point.
Leighton Jenkins has been a busy man - he was peddling the same baseless drivel on facebook today. Just to point out that post referendum research has established that two thirds of labour voters voted remain, while estimates of remain support among plaid voters are even higher.
Also not sure why it is crazy to advocate self government for wales - dozens of countries across the world are smaller than wales but manage their own affairs. While i doubt he'll get many takers for his call to return wales to the days of control from leafy wokingham - even ukip now accepts the reality of devolution for wales.
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