Saturday 14 September 2013

"Welsh" MEP votes against help for minority languages.

I was altered  to this at Fulup Hoskins at the Cornish Republican.

It is a list of  the tiny minority - 26 - who voted against the protection of endangered languages and linguistic diversity in the European parliament we find our Ukip MEPs. Details of the motion presented by the Corsican MEP François Alfonsi of the European Free Alliance  can be found here: Corsican MEP battles for Europe to protect endangered languages. The full list of those who voted against can be found below:

United Kingdom
Little Englanders-Right
Nigel FARAGE Ukip 


Marielle GALLO Union des Démocrates Indépendents
Dominique RIQUET Parti Radical

Jean-Pierre AUDY Union pour un Mouvement Populaire (UMP)

Philippe de VILLIERS Mouvement pour la France 
Bruno GOLLNISCH Front National (FN)

Jean-Luc MÉLENCHON Front de Gauche

Lucas HARTONG Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV)
Daniël van der STOEP Ex PVV now independent 

So a mixture of  Right and  and one Far Left Politicians Including  Ukip and amongst them Leader Nigel Farge and  Ukip  Welsh MEP John Bufton .

So its   relief that Bufton  will be retiring as a MEp this year.

But one doubts if those who top that Part List for next yars  Euro Elections will vote any differently and follow Farage in opposing support for minority Languages.

If you need proof that Ukip are an Little England Nationalist party it' here.


maen_tramgwydd said...

UKIP visible in its true colours ~ anti-Welsh

Alun said...

I've always thought UKIP are missing a trick in not supporting the Welsh language because surely, from their perspective, it's a native 'British' language and they should therefore back it? As you say, they only care about English culture, and they've got a very warped version of even that.

David said...

To be fair, I don't think the report is all that helpful to the Welsh language. It mostly asks for a bunch of things we've had since the 1960s. Also it contains some things which will be downright unhelpful. For instance, it says "teaching in people’s mother tongue is the most effective way of learning", which can only undermine Welsh-medium immersion where the child's mother tongue is English.

Then again, the real aim of the report is presumably to help minority language speakers who live under a more antagonistic government, e.g. in France. It's legislation for a continent of 500m people so it's not surprising if it doesn't address our little corner of 3m very well.

I believe UKIP oppose on principle everything which centralises power to Europe. And in this case, I think they might have a point: Wales is probably the best place to legislate on the Welsh language. But on balance, I'd still probably vote in favour because it will help linguistic minorities less fortunate than ourselves.

UKIP may well be Little England Nationalists but this isn't the proof you're looking for.

Anonymous said...

Wales most certainly isn't the best place to legislate on the Welsh language. Labour is wedded to the idea that people should be 'persuaded' to use the language through education while rejecting any form of possitive compulsion (such as only using Welsh in certain areas) and arguing that compulsion would damage the language. Yet, in every other sphere where they want to promote equality they start from the idea that compulsion is the way to do it and pass laws with strong compulsion for not obeying them built into them.