Tory Cardiff councillor and prospective assembly candidate (Cardiff North ) and former Big Brother contestant Joel Williams caused a bit of a stir on twitter with this.
However I think that the main objection to Joel Williams is the ridiculous an unsubstantiated that it can be so dangerous having to distinguish the texts of road signs here in Wales.
I myself asked a similar question back in 2015 on a much wider scale
Bilingual road signs are important in Wales BUT there should be something to distinguish Welsh from English- such as italic, colour or font. It can be so dangerous having to distinguish the texts of road signs here in Wales. 

- Don’t ever go to Calais. It will blow your tiny mind.
- Or you could read the English part of the sign mate. Just a suggestion though.
- Something to distinguish Welsh from English? a completely different langauge maybe? Seriously though, you're looking to waste money on perfectly adequate road signs before all the things needed in Wales. Staggering
- Stick to travelling on the buses if you can't figure it out. It's not rocket science.
- In that case: 1) buy a satnav 2) never drive on the continent 3) drive slower 4) never drive in America, despite it being English speaking it will blow your tiny mind.
However I think that the main objection to Joel Williams is the ridiculous an unsubstantiated that it can be so dangerous having to distinguish the texts of road signs here in Wales.
I myself asked a similar question back in 2015 on a much wider scale
SHOULD WE CREATE AN OFFICIAL FONT GYMRAEG?It is noticeable that when supermarkets do condensed to have Bilingual signs in Wales . The Welsh Language is often portrayed in a smaller and less distinct Font.Which has led me to ask the question should we have a distinct Font Gymraeg .I'm not suggesting we adopt the Gaelic Font used in Ireland. But it is distinct
In Scotland they don't use the Font but Gaelic is distinct when its usedBut here in Wales Gymraeg is not only below the English but no effort is made to make it distinct
So should we copy Ireland and have a clear and different Official Font for Gymraeg all Bilingual signs in Wales.I can see an argument that it could be sen as making the Welsh Language exotic rather than a living Language.But it might well be better than the system now where Gymraeg is given second billing.. Maybe the next Assembly committee responsible for Culture (is there one) should consider it.Maybe someone has even done so and there are examples of a Font Gymraeg.?Maybe even sponsor a Competition for an Official Gymraeg Font to be use on all new signs as and on existing signs as they ' are replaced.
It might even make it easier for the Odious Toby Young to get around Wales.
I don't think I should withdraw the question , just because some bloody Tory links the argument to a ridiculous claim over Road Safety.
For a Tory to ask a question about changing Road Signs considering he would probably object to the cost.
I doubt the suggestion i made that a program based on replacing signs over a period as they are renewed would work and he would be complaining that motorists would be confused by different signs in a stretch of road.
I wonder what the feeling over the Gaelic font , does it enhance or diminish the status of Irish ?
As i said i asked the question and I am not sure what MY answer is, I don't regret asking it.
Unlike Joel Williams who maybe does.
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