Sunday, 15 January 2017

We must be wary over the Intelligence leaks over Trump.

We are living in Topsy-Turvey times when we see a Right Wing President Elect of the USA denouncing his own Intelligence Agencies and the Liberal.Left gleefully picking up the allegations.

Obama tenure has been long on rhetoric but short on action particularly on foreign policy and it was ridiculous  to award a man who has failed to close Guantanamo Bay detention camp followed his predecessors  disastrous polcies in the Middle East , including sending drones against civilian targets and allowed the Banking sector that caused the financial crisis we are still paying for to continue.
Since his Peace Prize was strangely for what he might do in the future maybe the Ex-President will begin to earn it.
There was no hint of any private scandal though unless you support the "Fake News" that he was a secret Muslim or the accusation by Donald Trump that he was not born in the US
  This time round,Trump is the centre of  attention  focused on reports of a 35-page dossier containing utterly unsubstantiated claims of a “compromising relationship with the Kremlin” and sexual escapades that could expose the President-elect to blackmail.
It did not take long for the dossier to appear online in a move which outraged Trump.
But journalists sat up when they learned that Trump and Obama were presented with a summary of the claims by, in the words of CNN, “four of the senior-most US intelligence chiefs”.
Trump reaction As he has done on so many occasions, including the intelligence reports that Russia had interfered in the Presidential Elections was to deny the source.
Trump expressed his innermost feelings on the  on the lurid sex allegations and Blackmail on Twitter, saying: “Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to ‘leak’ into the public. One last shot at me. Are we living in Nazi Germany?”
When he faced reporters he refused to take a question from CNN, which broke the story that he was briefed by intelligence officials about the claims.
“You are fake news,” he told the reporter.
He derided Buzzfeed as a “failing pile of garbage” and said the intelligence agencies had “maybe” released the information.
As Leigh Richards on Rodolfo Walsh's Glasses points out
The prospect of a Trump presidency genuinely appalls me but i would prefer it those of us opposed to his uniquely divisive and dangerous brand of politics sought to defeat Trump by exposing and challenging his reactionary plans - such as abolishing Barak Obama's affordable healthcare act, building a massive wall on the mexican border and his dinosaur views on climate change - rather than trying to undermine him by relying on on dubious leaks from intelligence agencies trained in the art of deception.

I don't know if the allegations are true or not but would we on the Left be so readily to accept the CIA leaking similar Allegations against Bernie Sanders if he had won the Presidency?

 The US intelligence Agencies may share my view that Trump is a dangerous Demagogues and it is their role to save the US and the World from him but can we trust their information ?

We cannot choose to believe and not believe  such Intelligence Reports  to suit our own views.


Anonymous said...

"We must be wart over he Intelligence leaks over Trump." ????

glynbeddau said...

Yes danger of blogger 6.0 AM Sunday Morning😤

Leigh Richards said...

Yes Glyn i think we shouldn't be in any doubts that if Bernie had been elected US president on November 9th these same intelligence services would be doing their utmost to smear and undermine him.

It doesn't mean we shouldn't oppose trump and his incoming administration of course - we should and should do so with every legal means at our disposal. But those of us on the left in particular shouldn't make the mistake of trusting claims about Trump from such dubious sources as MI6 or the CIA.