In her New Years address Prime Minister as said:
“We all want to see a Britain that is stronger than it is today. We all want a country that is fairer so that everyone has the chance to succeed. We all want a nation that is safe and secure for our children and grandchildren. These ambitions unite us, so that we are no longer the 52% who voted leave and the 48% who voted remain, but one great union of people and nations with a proud history and a bright future. So when I sit around the negotiating table in Europe this year, it will be with that in mind – the knowledge that I am there to get the right deal not just for those who voted to leave, but for every single person in this country.”
No, No ,No
We are not but one great union of people and nations with a proud history and a bright future.
I reject her Union and her proud history a that the Map below shows counties that the UK has either colonised or been at war with

I reject her her idea
We all want a country that is fairer so that everyone has the chance to succeed. We all want a nation that is safe and secure for our children and grandchildren.Because although Mrs May may have said the divisions revealed by the Brexit campaign needed to be addressed in 2017.
Her words that
These ambitions unite us, so that we are no longer the 52% who voted leave and the 48% who voted remain,Even accepting the Leave mantra of "You lost get over it". Brexit has meant that we are clearly divided over free movement of peoples and a disturbing rise in Xenophobia culminating in racial abuse on some of our minorities.
Mrs May's idea of a fairer society is different from mine
She and her supporters idea of fairness is the rich getting richer and the poorer getting poorer and that this is the nature of things
Echoing the 3rd verse of the hymn "All things bright and beautiful"
Any Idea in that we should legislate for a fairer society and distributing wealth is opposed not only by the Tories but by many in the mainstream political parties.
The rich man in his castle,
The poor man at his gate,
God made them high and lowly,
And ordered their estate.
Mrs May speech seems to be that of a sports fan who don't mind how their team wins so longs as it wins.
Her words are as empty as
Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope" Paraphrased quote of St. Francis of Assisi, after Thatcher won election in 1979
We soon found out that Thatcher din't bring truth ,faith or hope but ruined the lives of many ,
It it is likely we will see an even more vicious form of Tatcherism and we will be defenceless against it.
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