Peter Black has commented on the alleged snubing of Leanne Woods, by the Trade Union Unite .Which in fact was a Labour Loyalist believing that he solely spoke for his members in what is supposed to be a Democratic Institution.
But its Peter's end comment that is perhaps of greater interest He writes......
"Labour too appear to have commited a tactical error in the vehemence of their response. Clearly, there is no love lost amongst the former coalition partners, but the rift between them is growing wider.
Labour do not have a majority in the Assembly chamber and need to work with other parties to get things done. All they have succeeded in doing this week is to close down their options and hand a stronger negotiating hand to the Welsh Liberal Democrats".
This resulted in the following exchanges
"a stronger negotiating hand to the Welsh Liberal Democrats"
Yes, after the hiding you got in the local elections - just about everywhere!# posted bymaen_tramgwydd : 11:32 AMI don't see the relevance of that to what goes on in the Assembly# posted by
Peter Black : 11:35 AMI think that Welsh Liberal Democrats should resign themselves to the role of vocal spectators in theAssembly and local government for some time to come.# posted by
Martin : 1:11 PMI cannot see why we should do any such thing. We are a party of government and our elected representatives have a duty to secure the best possible deal for their constituents and to seek to implement our policies. We will take whatever opportunities are available to do that.
It seems that Peter is making it clear that the LibDems are seeking to enter coalition with Labour in the Assembly. Indeed there seems to be more than a hint of as desperation here . As although Plaid and the Conservatives did badly in the local election . It was disastrous for the Liberal Democrats.
They now have only 73 councillors throughout Wales.
Control None,
Lead None,
Are the Largest Party on None
and there are 7 councils where they have no councillors at all.
Peter obviously thinks that only option is get into some position of Power in Wales by forming a Labour Coalition with Labour. Who probably feel they currently hold all the cards So if the LibDems do join it is unlikely they will get anything out of it apart from their Pupil Premium project.
Maybe that's all the Libdem can do hope La Pasionaria (and maybe Peter Black) himself secure a minor cabinet post and get positive publicity.
Peter obviously thinks that only option is get into some position of Power in Wales by forming a Labour Coalition with Labour. Who probably feel they currently hold all the cards So if the LibDems do join it is unlikely they will get anything out of it apart from their Pupil Premium project.
Maybe that's all the Libdem can do hope La Pasionaria (and maybe Peter Black) himself secure a minor cabinet post and get positive publicity.
Though it didn't work for them last time they formed a coalition with the Assembly as iit also failed to do for Plaid.
In fact if I was Labour leader I would invite the LibDems in . The only strength of the latter in the Assembly is La Pasionaria attacks on the Welsh Governments handling of the easy targets of Health and Education where any opposition can find fault. Giving her a seat in the government will remove a relative thorn in their side.
In fact if I was Labour leader I would invite the LibDems in . The only strength of the latter in the Assembly is La Pasionaria attacks on the Welsh Governments handling of the easy targets of Health and Education where any opposition can find fault. Giving her a seat in the government will remove a relative thorn in their side.
I don't see any advantage for the LibDems or Plaid in any coalition with a minority Labour Government . The desire for a Cabinet post may be strong but neither Party is in a position to wrench major concessions from Labour (Such as bringing in STV) and perhaps they should concentrate on being effective oppositions
STV in local government should be a condition of support, however they will get crumbs.
Yes it should be but I don't think that any Party will manage to get Labour to agree to it.
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