Wednesday 21 March 2018

Not agreeing with Boris Johnson does not make Corbyn a conspiracy theorist.

This Blog  and Rodolfo Walsh's Glasses  have pointed out t what the latter refers to as the "the worrying number of people who seem determined to ignore all the evidence and identify over he attempted murder by poisoning of two people in Salisbury another culprit, however bizarre or tangential their choice of 'culprits' is".
 Not agreeing with Boris Johnson does not make Corbyn a conspiracy theorist.
The main problem with these "conspiracy theories"  that it discredits , those who whilst acknowledge that Russia and indeed President Putin are main suspects  believe  the Alice in Wonderland   position of the government  of Verdict First Evidence Second should not be the immediate response.

The website Political Betting reproduced  a Foreign Office  video which mocks what it calls Russia's  campaign of disinformation, but it clearly is also aimed at those who do not automatically follow Mrs May's and Boris Johnson's line.

The nerve agent came from Sweden, Ukraine did it to frame Russia, It was contamination from the UK's own research facility... Instead of providing an explanation for the Salisbury incident, Russia has launched a campaign of disinformation

1 comment:

Leigh Richards said...

Youre right in what you say about jeremy corbyn's response to the poisonings glyn - nothing wrong with what he has said about this ie let the investigation proceed and investigate the evidence and go thru the proper international channels when dealing with something like this. But while jezza is not a conspiracy theorist - and i was careful not to mention him in the piece i wrote - the same alas cannot be said of some if his supporters. Seemingly irked by the savage onslaught of the right wing press on jeremy corbyn as a result of his response to salisbury some of his supporters have resorted to conspiracy theories of the type ive highlighted. In particular championing craig murray's highly dubious 'it was mossad wot dunnit' take on matters.