Saturday 29 February 2020

Wales 2050 one path .

It seems odd that in 2050, there are some nationalists left in Wales who celebrate ST David's day . in such a big way sinnce in reality it only exists as a geographical feature .

The Prime Minister Sixtus Dominic Boniface Christopher Rees -Mogg, joined King William V, in endorsing the Saints's day , but noticeably none will visit .

Of course ever since Scotland left what was the United  Kingdom and Ireland united the idea of Wales as a nation has all but ceases to exist.

The last Assembly elections saw the end come when a number where elected on the Abolish the Senedd platform and succeed in getting a referendum in 2005, which on the back of media campaign , which saw the end of devolution.

Instead with the support of both about and the Tories Wales was split in two the North was to join the North West powerhouse centered on Liverpool  and the South joined the South West region centered on Bristol

IN 2030, the redrawing of Welsh constituencies  saw  some being merged with ones in England and others renamed so Gwynedd became  North West Wales and it continued to make sure that all Welsh constituencies had names the Prime Minister could pronounce.

Gwynedd in fact long dominated by Plaid Cymru also saw it's number of Councillors cut and son saw wards falling to Conservative who slowly began dismantling the special status of the Welsh language.

Plaid Cymru now has no MPs and only a smattering of Councillors.

With an ageing population a mixture of English retirees  and the exodus of young people to seek work in England, has led to a collapse of Social Services and with the privatisation of the NHS many without insurance face huge bills .

There is virtually no Welsh media S4C ceasing to evist after cuts after cuts and although the BBC now owned by an American media mogul stil has a "Welsh"  HQ nether it or others , produce any specific Welsh context , except for programmes covering the investiture of Prince George as Prince of Wales ten years ago.

Although nominally Cymraeg  stil has equal status , it is largely ignored  without repercussions,

In sport the Football Association of Wales, was merged with the English FA and although  the team is supposed to be called England and Wales , like cricket only England is uses , the team recently failed to qualify for both the European Champion  and the  World Cup.

Rugby is now the only "National" side but the regional sided mow in the Eng;iah Premiership and Championship.


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